Meet BOBBIE'S Co-Founder David

Meet BOBBIE'S Co-Founder David

BOBBIE'S Brownies Co Founder David Stretton-Downe

BOBBIE'S Brownies was founded with a desire to become a household name by introducing the largest, and highest quality chocolate brownies to the UK market, alongside the desire to directly impact the staggering global issue that 100,000s of underprivileged school children around the globe still go without a nutritious meal every day. In our first Interview for The Bite, we talk to Co-founder David who goes into more detail on the concept and creation of the BOBBIE'S brand.

"Initially there was no household name for brownies and they were a particular favourite of mine and my co-founder Jonathan. We put a bit of research in place in 2016 and came up with the concept and the brand, but it was only really in 2020 we started thinking we're in a global pandemic, people want to have things delivered to them, now would be a perfect time to launch and test the market. In Lockdown 2 we decided to spend some time on product development and get the partnerships in place to launch in 2021.

We wanted to partner with an organisation - Mary's Meals - because we want to have an impact with the work that we do in business and do good which is where we came up with the slogan "tastes good, does good", we really wanted to measure our impact which is why we sought out Mary's Meals who help us donate a meal for every brownie sold."

What drives you to do what you do at BOBBIE’S?
Passionate about combining good product with powerful impact. We are passionate about creating sustainable culture, product and community that not only has a decedent, enjoyable taste, but also creates a huge impact to many across the globe. The drive to continuously innovate, and develop the product offering is a huge part of my role, and dig out ways to increase impact of the brand with our partners is at the forefront!.

How has your perspective on life or work perhaps altered given your experiences of this past year and was this a factor in the BOBBIE'S Brand creation?
In my view, perspective on life has not changed, the urgency to develop ideas and create is at the forefront and I don’t think will ever change. The thing that has changed has been the way it is done and not allowing aspects not available to us during the pandemic to halt progress – rather to find other ways through a situation, problem or idea. 

Where you do see the need or the advantages of balance in your own work/life perspectives?
During the pandemic, margins have been so critical to keep and book in. Without these, as we can all most likely relate to, days fill with zoom meetings with no space or break. Walks and time out between these were key to plug in at the start and in fact for me, working and having a walk post a call to reset has been so powerful. 

Due to lockdown restrictions, one of the huge things that has become so evident has been my desire and need to have a frequent change of environment – ensuring good mental health for me, but also consistency in idea generation and development. All I need for our teams to run is a semi strong wifi connection, Mac, bible and coffee. The options for new locations for work are endless. 

Self Care Time! Tell us about... 

Your self care non-negotiables?
Saturdays with no tech. 

During a busy period, how do you stay balanced?
Frequent walks outside wherever I find myself. 

What do you do to relax? (activities, sports, indulgences, tv, cuisine, etc…) 
Mountaineering, wakeboarding, Tennis, Reading, Campfires & Coffee.  Walking. It sounds basic, but time outside walking helps clear the mind and focus. 

Your no.1 tip for a healthy mindset?
Set aside 1 hour to Read each a day. 

Your ideal brownie combination?
Jude’s Ice cream / Lotus Biscoff. 1000%. 

Recommendation for usage?
Great fuel for post a run or summit push. 

Now tell us about your favourite…

Restaurant?Ayaz Lebaneese restaurant, Wimbledon, London. 

Series on Netflix? Huge fan of Docu-series on history, adventure and nature - Current : Vikings & The Chosen.

Recent guilty pleasure? BOBBIE’S for breakfast. :P

Thanks David!
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